Were you one of the lucky ones to get a paper with the TARGET $5 off Toys R Us Hasbro Toy coupon? If so, I have got a deal for you!
Note: This coupon was regional and was not in the Argus Leader, however was located in other papers
Deal Scenario
Purchase 6 Kellogg's cereals specially marked with a free movie ticket on price cut $1.99
(note: need 6 tokens to earn the free movie ticket..if you already have at least one at home, only need to purchase 5 cereals to utilize the $5 off Target coupon)
Purchase a Hasbro Toy Story 3 Potato Head on sale for $7.99
Utilize the following coupons:
$5 off Toys Story 3 Hasbro Toy with purchase of 5 cereals (Target coupon)
Use 3 - $1.50/2 Kelloggs Cereal here (will need two computers to print 3 total - otherwise you can use the $1.50/2 and your deal will change a bit)
Total = $10.43 for 6 boxes of cereal, potato head toy and movie ticket ($1.30 each item!)
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