Monday, April 4, 2011

Saving - Target Finds Today!

Thought I would get this up sooner than later.  Good thing I have stew in the crock pot so supper duty isn't calling me. :-)

Here are a few other nice deals I found today while at Target:

Klondike Mint Chocolate Chip 6 pk $.86 (clearanced down from $3.19)

AirWick Freshmatic Ultra $3.84 (on clearance endcap)
Use $4/1 here
= Free!

Men's Degree deoderant $1.97
Use $1/1 3/27 RP (not in Argus)
also use the new $1/1 Target coupon here
= Free
*If you do not have the 3/27 RP coupon like me, just a quick note that I had picked up a $1.50/2 Degree deo coupon off a tear pad in Kmart recently.  This helped make my deo $.27 each, still not a bad price.

Visine $1.97 (in travel section)
Use $2/1 here
= Free

I love Target!  So there is most likely more to come this week.  I was only able to make a quick trip, as the kids were not having it today!  You win some, you lose some! ha! :-)  And a shout out to reader, Stephanie, who I ran into today at Target! 

Hope everyone is off to a GREAT week!

*Also note that clearance items and prices will vary by store. Clearance items are posted as a 'heads up' while you are planning your trip!

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