Sunday, July 11, 2010

Living - Random Thoughts By....Well, Me!

Just a few truly random thoughts that I can't help but share. My mind works in mysterious ways sometimes!

* Who throws chewed gum on the ground? Is it the people that don't mind stepping in someone's gum and having to clean up the mess on the bottom of their shoe, car, carpet? Is it the people that love it when their kids pick up an already chewed piece of gum and get it all over them or stick it in their mouth? Maybe I should ask, who is it that throws chewed gum anywhere but the garbage? I noticed a few weeks back while I was at a gas station that a large planter next to the gas pump was littered with NUMEROUS pieces of chewed gum. The interesting thing, what else is normally near a gas pump? A garbage! And this one was only about 4 feet away from the planter!

* How often do you check the head lights, break lights or even turning signals on your vehicle to make sure they are in working order? What if you are driving a moped or a motorcycle? I have to admit that I don't check my breaklights frequently, however on a regular basis I tend to look in the back end of the vehicle in front of me to make sure that both my headlights are working. Probably should get better at checking the other items. I noticed a gentleman on a moped the other night with a headlight that was not working. You can imagine how hard that was to see! I tried to get his attention at the stoplight, but he was wearing ear buds listening to very loud music (which I think is a no-no) and he could not hear me shouting across 3 lanes. I cringed driving away, fearing that someone might hit him.

* We are so lucky to have people in our lives that we love and those that love us back. Hug them, spend time with them, tell them how much they mean to you! In an instant our lives can change and their may not be anymore of those opportunities. What are you waiting for, go!

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