Thursday, July 8, 2010

Living - DYK on Meat

With the MEGA meat sales going on, I figured it would be fitting to do a DYK (Did You Know) article on meat. How fitting, I know! :-) Sometimes I humor myself, so please just go along with me. And may I say..."really?!" to the MEGA meat sales?

Ok, let me get started with the article already.

Several years back when it was just my husband and me, I was shopping at the grocery store eyeing a large pork loin. It sounded like a nice surprise supper idea for my husband. But I couldn't phathom having to make this huge pork loin for just the two of us. It was on such a good sale though and the idea of buying it wouldn't leave my mind. I continued on with my grocery shopping, all the while thinking of that pork loin and how happy my husband would be. Why don't they make pork loins that are on sale that are smaller? And why do I have to be such a good wife? (ha!) I was slightly annoyed by the idea of such a large piece of meat for just two people. What a waste. We would be eating it for weeks! But wait, the idea of cutting it into two, maybe even three came to me. Brilliant. So for years I would buy a pork loin, bring it home and cut it into separate meal size portions, re-package it and freeze it.

Then not that many years ago, I happened to be shopping a great pork loin sale and the most exciting thing happened. I watched a woman pick up one of those large pork loins, walk it over to the meat counter and ask them to cut it in two. And guess what?! They did it! For free!

So, as if I had done it a million times before, I walked my large pork loin over to the meat counter and asked them to cut it into threes. Yes, that is right, I asked them to cut it into threes. Not thirds, threes! Do you think they could tell it was my first time?! I still have to laugh at myself today.

The moral of the story of me making my way in this world today (takes everything you got), is DYK (Did You Know) that when purchasing meat at the grocery store, you can take it to the meat counter and ask them to cut it for you?! If you didn't know, it's okay. Next time calmly walk your piece of meat to the counter and ask for threes! :-)

Let us know what types of requests you make at the meat counter!

Happy Mega Meat sale shopping this week and always!

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