Thursday, May 27, 2010

Laughing - Elizabeth Strikes Again!

Elizabeth is nearly 4, going on 13. She has a way of suprising me each and every day. A few of her interesting remarks/actions:

The other day, Elizabeth came running up to me. She started doing, what I thought was rubbing her nose on me. So I told her not to do that because it was gross. She says, "but Mom, I'm just trying to smell you"! --- sweet. I remember the smell of my Mom and loving it. In fact, I still do.

Tonight in the bath tub she asks me what a green glob was on the shelf on the tub surround. I looked and told her, "Oh, that must be toothpaste. When I was in the shower this morning I dropped some when I was putting it on my toothbrush but didn't realize it had landed there". Elizabeth says back, "did you say darnit (worse version)?" What? I had to clarify with her that that was really what she said. Then she says, "well, Mom did you say a naughty word"? --- This was pretty cute, but sad that they know this. The innocence is going away.

Like I mentioned, Elizabeth will be turning 4 soon. She has opted for a princess theme. She will be dressing up as a princess (she has already twirled a million times in the dress she will be wearing). We were discussing the details of all the girls dressing up like princesses. She looked at me and seriously stated, "Well, we will be princesses and Daddy and Alex can be our Princes."--- Ahhhhh.

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