Sunday, December 12, 2010

Laughing - A Couponer Without Her Sunday Paper Delivery!

Just change the word Coffee above to Coupons!

Well, today was one of those special occasions where my Sunday edition of the local newspaper did not get delivered directly to my door.  I'm guessing the blizzard we had yesterday had something to do with it!

Once my husband made his way outside to blow out our snow and confirmed that no paper had been delivered, this crazy couponer began to get anxious as to when it would be that I would get my hands on my coupon inserts and ads. ha!  It was similar to the feeling someone may experience without their daily caffeine fix!

I kind of chuckled at myself thinking, yep, this surely is an addiction isn't it!  It is certainly a means for this grateful stay at home mom to help provide for her family, but is also somewhat exciting and stimulating too!

Needless to say, I did make it out just fine to grab a newspaper.  And although I am slightly disappointed by the local paper's coupon inserts, I got my much needed "fix".

I am still shaking my head and laughing at myself.  Thought you might find a chukle in it as well.  I know I am not alone!

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