If you too are still looking for a fantastic deal on holiday cards of great quality, head on over to Cardstore
Search through all of the great choices, which can also be personalized with photos and greeting! Search by the specific holiday or type of card: flat cards, value cards, etc! Order 1 card or order up to hundreds!
Use the code: THANKS4U at checkout to save 75% off!
Value cards as low as $.17 each after discount! (Choosing quantity of 100 or more.)
Plus you can choose the "mail to recipient" option to have the recipient's address printed on the envelope along with your return address. Plus add a stamp for free! Choose to have it mailed now or at a later date!
Rather have the cards be mailed to you so you can add a letter or extra personalization, no problem! Choose to have them mailed to you for free! And if you want, they will print your return address and/or the recipient's address on the envelope for free!
And - earn cashback on your purchase by heading over to Ebates and searching "Cardstore". They are currently giving you 7.5% cashback on your Cardstore purchase! Not a member yet, no problem, just enter your email address and you are on your way to earning cashback on your online purchases! That easy!
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