You can certainly make your own deal with the sale items and the coupons you have available. The above is just the best deal I saw this afternoon while shopping. Look for clearanced games too. Also avaiable is this $4/1 Hasbro coupon.
Also, if you can get your hands on multiples of the USA Today insert coupons, here is another possible scenario for you:
Buy 3 Monopoly (or other participating) card games $5.99 ea
Receive 1 Free - $5.99
Use 3 $4/1 corresponding USA Today coupons
= 3 Free
Note: I have read that some stores won't allow you to use a coupon on the "free" item. I did this deal at the Sioux Falls store today with no issues. I suppose it will depend on you store, I don't believe there is a published coupon policy like Walgreens (where it specifically states they will take a coupon on the free item). If anyone knows of one, feel free to forward to us!
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