You can currently grab a few free Beth Moore ebooks from Amazon! What a fantastic deal, if you are a Beth Moore fan or been meaning to check out her books!
The freebies are:
To Live Is Christ When Godly People Do UnGodly Things Believing God The Beloved Disciple
If you are a Nook reader, you can head over to the Barnes And Noble site and grab a few Beth Moore ebooks for free as well!
Stopped into Dollar Tree last night and found a couple deals I wanted to pass along and also take a moment to point out some of their fantastic stocking stuffers!
They offer many fun items that make great stocking stuffers like: coloring books, Barbie or SuperHero bandages, Angry Bird & Hello Kitty toothbrushes, art supplies and so much more! And they are all just $1 each.
Here are a few deal finds (Note: I was at the East Dollar Tree location):
Coffeemate powder creamer 6 oz $1 Use $.55/1 here (I do not see a size restriction but did not print) = $.45
A great coupon is available over on for $.75 off 1 box of Ritz crackers. A nice high value, rare coupon to grab!
Think of all of those parties going on this month. Grab a box of Ritz and slice up some cheese and you have a yummy tray to take along! Or dab some peanut butter between 2 crackers and then dip in chocolate and you have a yummy treat!
I don't see any weekly grocery specials on the Ritz crackers this week, but still possible for next week, we shall see.
Did you know that you can earn cash back while you are doing your shopping online? It is so easy to do! Simply head over to Ebates and search for your favorite stores before shopping! They pay you for shopping at thousands of places online!
If you haven't signed up for Ebates yet, now is the time while you are doing your online shopping for the holidays! It is free and easy to sign up, just head over here and enter your email address and you are ready to go! You will be surprised how quickly the cash back adds up....just for doing what you were already online!
Around here Santa likes to deliver the kids some of the things they need for the upcoming year, including undies. He likes to make them the "fun" undies, not just the boring, plain colored undies that Mom picks out.
I helped Santa find a nice deal on character undies today! Typically the character underwear run about $2 or more per pair, especially for Boy's character underwear. Crazy!
Boys Underwear Today you can snag 10 pair (your choice of 2 different characters) for just $15.50, or $1.55 per pair!
You can choose from: Pixar multiple character, Ninjago, Star Wars Lego, Batman, Justice League, Power Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, DC Comics and Angry Birds.
Click here on Angry Birds Boys Underwear 5 Pack and then search the site by entering "Boys Underwear 2 pack" and it should come right up. Sorry, can't figure out what I am doing wrong to get the link directly to the undies to work.
Girls Underwear Today you can snag 14 pair (your choice of 2 different characters) for just $15.50, or $1.11 a pair!
You can choose from: Littlest Pet Shop, Hello Kitty, Disney, Victorious, Dora, Tinkerbell, Barbie, Tangled, Monster High, My Little Pony and Scooby Doo!
I was surprised that even a couple options go up to a size 10!
Zulily is offering up a nice deal on a Costco Membership over the next 2 days. You can grab a Gold Membership, rotisserie chicken, 48 pack of batteries, case of Kirkland bottled water and additional savings for $55 (Valued at $105).
I have ordered fantastic quality Christmas cards from Cardstore the past two years and have yet to be disappointed! Love them!
And here they are with a wonderful offer to get you on your way to getting your cards done and out in the mail! They will also print your return address on the envelope!
Search through all of the great choices, which can be personalized with photos and greeting!
UPDATE: Great news! The battery packs are showing in the regular sale ad this week, with sale price valid through 12/10! YAY!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to grab the specially marked packs as indicated below. The sticker on the package is YELLOW - do NOT grab the ones that say Toy Cash, as this offer is expired.
I flipped through the online HyVee ad today and noticed the above deal on Energizer batteries and went to check it out.
You purchase 2 Energizer Max 8 ct at HyVee for $4 each that are specially marked with a yellow sticker "get $8 in Bunny Birthday Bucks" and you will receive $8 check back in the mail OR a $10 Walmart gift card when you enter the 2 codes online!
Check out this deal:
Purchase 2 Energizer Max 8 ct batteries $4 Use 2 $1/1 Energizer battery coupons here = $6 Submit for $8 check back or $10 Walmart gift card = 2 Free packs of batteries (and a bit of a money maker)!
In the HyVee ad under the battery information it states a limit of 4 $8 rebates per household. Wow! And although the sale price of $4 per package ends today, the rebate will still be valid beyond today. I don't know what HyVee's regular price is on the 8 ct package, but most likely will still be a nice deal with coupon and rebate!
Great time to stock up for those holiday gifts the kids will be unwrapping soon!
CrowdSavings is offering up an additional 20% savings today (12/2) when you enter code: cybermonday20 at checkout!
There are already some great deals happening, but add in the additional savings and you have even better deals, of course! Head over here and check out all your options!
Here are just a few ideas, so many to choose from:
110 5x7 Photo Cards from MailPix - the deal is for $50 and Shipping is included! After 20% code - pay just $40 or just $.37 each card!
5x7 20 page soft cover photo book - the deal is for $7 and Shipping is included! After 20% code - pay just $5.60 shipped!
Colorburst Loom Bracelet Starter Kit with 1800 Loom Bands - the deal is for $15 and Shipping is included! After 20% code - pay just $12!
Slippeez Kids Slippers - the deal is for $14 and Shipping included! After 20% code - pay just $11.20!
I thoroughly enjoy flipping through Taste Of Home magazines and cookbooks to find new recipes to add to our family menu! So many easy, low-budget and even "real" (I call them tried and true) recipes to choose from!
Cookbooks make wonderful gifts! Click here and head over to Taste of Home and check out their cookbooks and snag 40% off today using code: LS156 at checkout - PLUS score Free shipping!
The cookbook picture above is normally $15.95 so grab it for just $9.57 shipped! So many cookbooks to choose from! Hurry though, this deal ends today (12/2)!
Looking for a unique gift idea? Canvas People are offering their .75 inch 8x10 canvas for FREE, just pay $14.95 shipping!
Choose your special photo, upload, choose your canvas, approve and you are done! And you will receive a nice quality gift for that special someone on your list!
I have ordered fantastic quality Christmas cards from Cardstore the past two years and have yet to be disappointed! Love them!
And here they are with a wonderful offer to get you on your way to getting your cards done and out in the mail! They will also print your return address on the envelope!
Search through all of the great choices, which can be personalized with photos and greeting!
Both of my kids have a Dream Lite and love them dearly! They are great to take on trips with us, so that they have a "night light" (so to speak) for the dark hotel rooms or bedrooms at Grandma's, etc!
They are quite fun to just shut off all the lights in the living room and let them shine on the ceiling!
And for night time, they do have an automatic shut-off option.
The Dream Lites normally sell for around $29.99 in stores. You can currently grab a few different ones on Amazon for less than $20! Plus when you spend $35 or more in qualifying purchases, you score free shipping!
I have been looking for some fun deals to help my daughter enjoy her 18-inch doll even more! I think I have found a handful that I may be enjoying a little too much. I think I have smiled at my computer screen a bit too much and repeated...'oh that is cute' a bit too much as well! There are seriously some cute things available. And here are some at a great price as well!
Maybe you are thinking of buying your child a doll, whether it is American Girl Doll, Our Generation or other you will certainly enjoy watching your child love and explore with their new friend. I was amazed by how much my 7 year old truly loved her Our Generation Doll! If you are in need of a doll yet, you can grab one at Target starting around $30. Or there is the Dollie & Me version at Kohl's use code 20foru to save an additional 20%!
Head on over to Zulily and grab some great deals on the Dollie & Me matching outfits! They range from $14.99 on up and are some of the lower prices I have seen on the pajamas and outfits and they have guaranteed shipping prior to Christmas. I was able to snag 2 outfits (4 with the doll size outfits) for under $40 shipped to me!
Then head on over to Amazon and grab the Badger Basket Doll Bunk Beds With Ladder
for just $26.99 (Reg $45.99). This is a very highly rated product! And score free shipping with $35 min purchase.
Stick on Amazon and check out this super cute and fun Doll Bicycle Seat
for just $16.99 (Reg $24.95)! After my daughter decided to bungee rope her doll to her bike this past summer, I put one of these on my list for her (I can't imagine why!) and I am excited to find a nice price on it. They also have a nice rating and I can't wait to see her put it to use! And score free shipping with $35 min purchase.
And last but not least, snag a nice deal on the Trolley Doll Travel Case
on Amazon for $29.99 (Reg $48.99)! This has a 5 star rating! It looks super cute and versatile! And score free shipping with $35 min purchase.